Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We are hangin' in...

I was going to do a pregnancy update, but I think I will wait until after Friday. I have our first ultrasound. I am super excited to see what is in there. :)
Wyeth has been ill have several days, I finally broke down and took him to the dr. yesterday and got a call back today that his throat culture came back positive for strep. Ugh. I hope it ends with him. He has been a trooper for the most part, and I thought maybe he was even on the mend, but I am sure the antibiotics will expedite the healing process.
We are going to have a family party for Fara's birthday party. She requests a chocolate birthday, which I guess means she wants a chocolate cake. Overall I am going to do a Monster kitty, aka Monster's Inc. theme. She loves the movie.
I have been throwing around the idea of doing a BBQ out at Ryan's dam. It's so pretty out there and it's nice not to have to clean up after everyone being here.
i haven't been into entertaining at all since I got pregnant. I can barely bring myself to clean the kitchen for the five of us. Anyway, I am thinking I am going to have make the invites, so I better get on that.
Next week we are headed to Vegas. The girls are going to Havre, and the boy is going to Wyoming to stay with my parents and Todd and Candace. I have had a hard time getting excited about this trip to Vegas. I might to do a little school shopping, but staying up til all hours and watching everyone else get drunk...not that fun.
I want to be supportive of Aaron and Jess, out friends that are celebrating their marriage. They deserve the best. So all whining aside, I need to get some expectations about how late I will stay out so Mr. Workin' isn't broken down by me.
Summer has been cool around here the last couple of days. It's hard to keep in the spirit of things when I want to hide under a blanket and nap. The kiddos have enjoyed swimming lessons and I want to take them to the pool to keep there lessons fresh, but it's gonna have to get a bunch warmer for this mama.
We also set the dates for our Wyoming trip. We are going to go down for the second week of August, and spend several days at the great-grandparents in Wheatland and the rest of the time with my folks. Should be a good time, it's not much of a vacation, more a change of scenery.
I am sooooo sleepy. I will update soon about the ultrasound.

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