Thursday, March 15, 2012


Life has been marching on. The kids are bigger and into more stuff, I seem to maintain a constant level of business without ever getting crazy amount accomplished. Mr. Workin' is stressed, that seems to also be a constant. Life never seems to get less complicated, that's for sure. If I am honest, I would say I struggle to appreciate this station in life. Marriage is tough with a houseful of little people, and the house full of little people make me crazy. So, that being said, I depend largely on my volunteerism and friends to help me sustain a feeling of worth. Ugh, as I read back over that last part it sounds sad. I don't want to sounds sad. I am not, I really just think it's the station I am in. I love, love, love my life. I love being able to give myself to my kids and their school. It's just that I am a lot of things to a lot of people and it's feels like too much sometimes. The shitty part of that… I’m not parenting to the best of my ability. I just was to get by. I want them to learn the hard lessons in life without sucking me dry emotionally. Life is life. I think I need to shift into a more gratitude centric way of thinking and I can shift what I am calling in.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Poor blog...

I am not sure why, I haven't posted more regularly. Those of you that blog, know that it's typical to compose posts in your head that never make it to the computer.
Maybe for lack of direction, I will go ahead and do a highlighted version of the last couple of months.
January is generally a dark and cold month around these parts, but this has been such a mind winter, Amy and I were able to walk on the reg, and had very little snow or ice to deal with.
February was equally warm and we walked our little hearts out. And so far March hasn't been great. I am wanting to keep things going, but for some reason I am not feeling it. A change of routine is probably in store, but what... With Mr. Workin' not here half the mornings, it's hard to get away.