Monday, October 29, 2012


Indications that we are moving out of the baby phase are happening left and right. The little guy and I ended our 20 month nursing relationship last week. It has been bittersweet. I know Mac isn't a baby anymore, but we both ready enjoyed nursing. When I start gushing about how special breastfeeding has been to me, I never mean sound insensitive to the mamas that choose not to, or for those it didn't work out for one reason or another. I know it's a deeply personal decision you make as a mama. Mr. Workin' and I headed out of town for our 11th wedding anniversary and it seemed like as good of time as any to wean. We weren't nursing a bunch, just at bedtime and naptime and if something was really upsetting like an injury or shots. It was an interesting choice on my part to forget my hand pump when we headed out of town. Apparently I was nursing more than I thought, because I woke up the first morning away and wanted to cry! I was painfully engorged and Mr. Workin' was opposed to "helping me out". I popped some Advil and put on a bra, which helped a little. I know there are herbs you can take that are supposed to help, I am not sure why I didn't look into that at the time. It was like I was OK with not nursing because I was away from the baby, but not OK to actively try to stop milk production. It has been an emotional road it some ways. There are times when the thought of caring for a baby makes me completely overwhelmed. I know I don't want another child, but I am not sure I will ever be done wanting another baby. Mr. Workin' took matters into his own hands and had a "family planning procedure" of his own. So that solves that! We are ready to step into the next chapter...a busy house full of kiddos going in four different directions.