Friday, May 27, 2011

The stuff...

Apparently, I need much stuff to make my world complete. However, I hate the way much stuff looks sitting around my house. There is a needs to be resolved, but how?
Remember when you left for college, and even returned from college and you could fit your whole life in a car? I want that much stuff. I know, it's not practical, it didn't include a full kitchen, or any furniture, or the last 20 years of memories. Wait a minute do memories take up room? Should they? There is probably a happy medium and I will always error on the side of over keeping, and Mr. Workin' has every ticket stub and note he has ever had.
And speaking of the car load, it didn't include Mr. Workin' or my four beautiful clutter lovin' wee ones. But, just for arguments' sake less, say each on of the five of them have a car load too. So we have six cars, we'll call each a four-door sedan. Plus the house with furniture and a full kitchen...that turns out to be an ass-ton of stuff. Ugh.
What to do? It used to be that large families such as my own, lived in 1000 sq/ft houses and got by just fine, so it isn't that we need more space. I don't want more's not fun to clean more space. It means we need less stuff.
I have decided to move all the clutter to the back hall in an effort to contain it. It will also give me a place to sort and purge without making the whole house look like crap. It just becomes about the discipline to go back there and work on it. As well as an effort to stop the in-flow of stuff. Check and check! It's a funny time of year to make resolutions, but here I go.
Damn it! I will get this place lookin' good again!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Handful of Princeville Memories

*Fara awoke the first morning at 3am (HI time) and was up for the day. I finally gave up and joined her at 4:30...Mr. Workin' slept til 7am.
Ella upon sighting the lush green hills of Kauai said, "Those trees, on those coconuts, those are Hawaii."
*Number of times I have thought, "I so want my drugs (referring for my anti-anxiety meds) back when I get home...27. No shit.
*We ate Bubba's Burgers twice! Yep, they are that good!
*Maclan thinks Princeville is a bit warm for his taste. Unfortunately he rolled off the couch promptly after our arrival, screaming harder that I have ever heard him cry. Confirming his first thoughts, "why have we chosen hell for our family vacation?"
*The iPad and my cellphone were left at our house in GF, completely wrecking my plans to A) entertain the kiddos on the plane B) read my book via Kindle on either C) find places to explore via the Internets D) keep an open life-line with my real life. I cried. I lie not.
*I actually had to say to one of my daughters...hmm those swimming bottoms must be on wrong, your vagina is showing.
*The kiddos went all the way to HI to discover they hate pineapple. Which frankly seems a bit criminal.
* Wyeth caught a baby lizard and then cried when he dropped it.
*Yes there are tears, even in paradise.
*Saturday night after a yummy dinner of Sushi (the kids did great!) we wanted to introduce them to shave-ice. After driving from Kappa to Hanahlei with a screaming Mac, the place was closed. Daddy to the rescue...he got ice cream sandwiches from the grocery. Not a total flop.
*Sunday we hit the pool at 10am, went in for a short lunch and finished for the day at 3pm. TOO LONG! Sunburns for everyone! Ugh. UV rays are intense even from behind those clouds despite several applications of sunscreen.
*Ella, "I went to Hawaii and ate SUSHI!!!"
Fare not wanting to left out, "I went to Huwyii and ate CHICKEN."
*I missed me PHONE!
*Fara asked, "Why does the sun kiss me in Montana, but hurt me in Huwyii. Poor girl. She got it the worst!
*We grilled at the resort and made the kiddos Mac and Cheese and it was probably the most pleasant meal we had.
*We got yummo food from a Thai wagon. Risky but worth it.
*There was not an oven in our room, just a microwave that bakes! I made cinnamon rolls!
*During the height of the sun we stayed in to save our burns, and color! I have colored more in the last week then the accumulation of my parenting color sessions of the past.
*The latest the children slept.....5:35am. Yep.
*The resort had these amazing Korean wings, that I WILL try to re-create. So yummy.
*All the flights went soooooooo well. Mr. Workin' and I have such well behaved children.

New family vacation parameters, only one time zone MAYBE two, and within a ten hour travel window. You do the math.

Monday, May 23, 2011

This seems extreme to me...

Global warming much?

Please pray for Joplin, MO.

Hawaii with the Kiddos!!!

We survived a week-old visit to Kauai for our family vacation. It was beautiful, but not at all relaxing. Who takes people under the age of 7 to Hawaii anyway?
I have more, but no time...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Such Happy Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I felt so blessed. I love my life. <3