Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We are in the full swing of summer round here. The kiddos are doing swimming lessons, MUMs made a trip out to Ryan Dam and the babes are driving me crazy with their complaints of boredom.
All three kiddos are doing really well with lessons. The girls seem to be enjoying it and even though the pool is COLD, they seem to be learning a fair amount. Wyeth is stuck between level two and three. He isn't really fitting in to either class. I am not sure what will come of it. It's important to me Wyeth doesn't get overwhelmed and not enjoy it anymore. The director seems like she wants to figure something out.
For the first time EVER, morning-sickness actually includes vomiting. I am blown away by the oddness of this experience. I feel pretty well one moment and then awful the next, followed by an immediate need to vomit. It's nuts. I was pretty sick with Ella, but it was more of a general misery and it only really lasted from 10-16 weeks. brain is reeling. What if this is an indication something is wrong with the baby? Or what if we have two babies? And if we have two babies? Please let them both be healthy. Evan if it's one baby, please let it be healthy. I go through this with every pregnancy, the "just let everything be OK" fretting. My friend Katie was sweet to point out that, at this point Mr. Workin' and I have proven that our DNA works well together, with our three healthy babies. Our ultra-sound is scheduled for the 14th, which can't come fast enough. :)
I need to post some pictures from our's just finding some time to download pictures.
Some other highlights (just facts really)...
~Fara has had a huge bruise on her forehead from three solid months!
~Wyeth is having huge issues with bedtime. He cries every night it isn't fair that he doesn't have someone to sleep with.
~Ella just finished up a short round of antibiotics for an infected hang-nail and now she is running a fever and complaining of a "hurt neck" which I would guess means sore throat.
~We are getting all set to remodel our bathroom and our bedroom. It will be awesome to have a normal bathroom!

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