Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Things seem to be cooking along. As far as symptoms go, I have started noticing super sensitive nose, not being able to think of anything that sounds good to eat, and then feeling soooo much better when I finally just eat.
I felt for poor Mr. Workin' on our vacation. I was completely narcoleptic in the car. As soon as the wheels started rolling I was out. Oh the joys of the first trimester.
My preferred OB is herself on maternity-leave. She had her fourth boy child last week. So, I haven't been in a huge hurry to visit the dr. knowing she is gone. But I called this morning, and as it turns out they want to do an ultrasound at eight weeks. And who turns down a chance to see the little peanut in living color?
So, our first appointment (in-take) is July 14th. :)
One of the coolest parts of the Body Worlds exhibit was the embryos. Wyeth and I looked at exactly how big the baby was at that moment. Wyeth is so excited with the pregnancy.
We have started referring to the baby as "Puzzle". Being that this baby will most likely be the final piece of the Hayes family puzzle to snap into place. Mr. Workin' came up with it. ;)

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