Friday, June 18, 2010

State of World

People watching at Chuck E Cheese is frightening. For the most part it's just mass mounts of little kids pushing their way through a bunch of games that don't really make sense to anyone, hoping for the mother load of tickets.
We can all remember our elders' moaning about "kids these days" and such. But, really I am there. If I pushed someone down, and an adult confronted me at a place like Chuck E Cheese, I would probably would have burst into tears and gone to hide at our table. And I would NEVER want my parents to find out about it. Well, today a little guy, probably about seven year old, pushed his way to the front of the line and then told me he was there first when I confronted him. I asked him to step to the back of the line to wait his turn and then I looked up to see if an adult was catching any of this. He stomped his foot, pushed Ella out of his way and said, "that is NO FAIR" and then dashed off to his table. I was shocked. Wyeth was ready to throw down! I explained that all moms have different rules, and maybe he always gets to go first?!?! I don't know, I DO know that my kiddos need to take turns and wait in lines...period.
I don't want the kids to judge others for how they act, yet I totally wanted to make an example of the child's rudeness.
Why are children seemingly more out of control "these days"? Are they not getting enough positive attention? I don't even start to have the answers to these questions. But I know I don't want my children feeling like life is so unfair they must elbow their way to the front of all situations.
Also, on a sidebar...Mr. Workin' is always distressed for my lack of interest in video games. And we have gone to the mat several times on what is appropriate for limiting the kiddos on the gaming system in our house. I would go with never if possible, but Mr. Workin' says that will just get them beat up in high school. As I watched Wyeth's peers playing those video game at Chuck E Cheese, I was astounded by their gaming skills. Not enough to want Wyeth to play more games, but wow. It's pretty clear how these children are spending their free time.
All in all, I am so thankful that we cold make Wy's b-day special and that we could go to chuck E Cheese. But, I'm not gonna lie. I am also terribly thankful that we don't have one in GF.

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