Thursday, June 17, 2010

I had so many things to tell you!

I am going to have to start keeping a little notebook in my purse like an old lady. During the day, I easily come up with three blog posts about life, parenting, and other crazy shit I think about. But when it comes time to put it down, I just draw a blank.
With that being said...
Experiencing Canada has been an interesting and thought provoking adventure for me. Frankly, for as open-minded and accepting as I consider myself, I am a little annoyed at how I miss really simple stuff. Like I never know what temperature it is. How dumb is that? I know we learned it the metric system in school. And the same with the distances and speed limits. There is something in my inability to figure it the freak out that makes me feel arrogant. And then there are the vast number of different languages I have heard. I can recognize them and know that for the most part I am hearing French and Eastern European, but when I join the conversation everyone switches to English. Granted, we are in an English speaking part of Canada, but still there is something about the situation that makes me feel arrogant, instead of humbled that my language was the one of choice.
I have loved sitting at the water park, in the kiddie pool with all the other mamas and kiddos. Parenting and it's issues are universal. We basically all have the same problems with the same phases at the same ages. And I had a mom tell me that the sign of a good mom is wondering if you are doing a good enough job to be a good mom. I sure hope so. As it turns out none of us find this little parenting adventure to be a cake-walk.
Seven days is too long for my little guys to be out on a vacation that doesn't involve family or serious down-time. They just get too tired and all the moving around makes it hard for them to settle in and sleep easily. They have been good little travelers, but the tiredness level has had a huge impact on how and what we do. I think a nice four day weekend is perfect. Lesson learned.

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