Monday, June 14, 2010


We are having an adventure among our neighbors to the north. We got out of town about at about 11am on Saturday, which was three hours later than Tom's wishes, but an hour earlier than I had estimated. And since the bulk of packing lands in my lap, I say...YAY me.
We crossed the boarder into Canada smoothly, but hit a snag in Lethbridge when we stopped for lunch. Mr. Workin' noticed a hissing sound, and it turned out to be a leak in a rear tire. So....after three hours at Canadian Tire, we were back on the road again.
The kiddos traveled well over-all. There was quite a bit of, "are we there yet?" and "how much longer" and my favorite, "why are we in the car?" It's difficult to motivate toddlers for a week-long vacation I guess.
We spent the first day at the zoo, and again, my expectations were a bit high for how much young children would enjoy the experience. We were there from 9am to 2pm and each child had a turn in tears. When I asked Wy which animals were his favorite, he listed two animals we had not seen. Really? I love the zoo. And I was happy. So, maybe the everyone is happy when mama's happy applied?
Last night we celebrated Ella's fourth b-day. However, that deserves it's own post. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you guys are having fun! I can't wait to hear about it and see some pics! Give my love to everyone!!!