Monday, April 12, 2010

Single Parenting

Mr. Workin' has been soooo busy for the last several months.

I know that his intention is to be successful and provide for his family. But somewhere or somehow along the way the line has been crossed; it leaves me feeling like I am a single parent.

He is easily working 80 hours a week. I signed up to parent 24/7, right...and really that means, for waking hours I try to be available. I am not sure how Mr. Workin' working 80 hours a week instead of his standard 55 changes how "on" I have to be for the kids, but it does... A LOT!

I am tired, quite tired.

AND there are so many things I want to be doing for my quality of life and the house, but I just don't have it. I want to exercise and decorate and play with the kids. Right now, I am doing laundry and cooking and cleaning and cleaning and running around. it is. I am hiring a cleaning crew to come in every other week.

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