Thursday, April 22, 2010


Some time has passed since the deadly earthquakes in Haiti. When it fist happened, I would try to imagine our homes on our streets the way they are now, being crumbled up by a crack in the Earth. It is difficult to wrap my head around. Not to mention the sad state of where the nation of Haiti started.
After trying to decide how our family could affect the crisis in Haiti, it occurred to me, that as God's children we are called to tend or feed His flock. Not all of us can hop a plane to Haiti and lend a physical hand, and not all of us can send money to make a difference. Although, we can all send what we CAN afford. But what occurred to me, is we can tend to the Lord's sheep near us. If we all reach out and help someone, anyone...the wave of helping and tending could reach all the way to Haiti. We are all capable of helping in some way.
Although, all of this has crossed my mind, I haven't done much with my children to show them our family is interested in helping our fellow man.
But, as they get older Mr. Workin' and I do want help our children grasp the importance of helping and service.

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