Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Changes for 2010

So...I am all about change. For the new year, I am looking to make a handful of big changes, by way of 10ish smaller ones. According to my adorable father, the best way to reach goals, is to commit them to paper (write them down). I think this counts.
*Stop assuming everyone is JUDGING me.* However, if you are here to judge, keep on moving, I don't want to hear it! I am workin' on changin' for a reason.
Here we go, here we go...
1~ Stop assuming everyone is JUDGING me. Did I already say that?
2~ No more calling Tom and asking him to bring home dinner.
3~ No cussing at people, EVER.
4~ Assume the best.
5~ Wash face and use a deep moisture cream several nights a week. (see that...realistic, there is no way I could do it every night.)
6~ If some thing's gotta give, it's computer time.
7~ Defer to Tom's opinion. Even if I don't agree.
8~ Cut a lot of sugar. Cancer loves sugar. Shit that is scary!
9~ React in kindness and with patience.
10~ Cherish the now and continue to "roll with it".

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