Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I have been trying to decide how to rid our lives of the "paci". Both girls are helplessly in-love with their pacifiers. In the last 12 months or so, I have fluctuated between not being bothered by the constant paci use and completely annoyed by the nightly bedtime paci hunt to make sure there are enough of each type of paci (Ella loves Nuk and Fara in a Soothie girl, roughly between three and five each) in the beds for the girls to find one in the night. Admittedly the desire on my part to be totally rid of these glorious little soothers is low. It is so easy to get up at 3:29 am and stumble into their room, feel around the floor for a paci, hand it off and stumble back to bed. This has been the ONLY way to sooth Ella for as long as I can remember.
So, with all the being said...I brought up the idea of a "Paci Fairy" coming to pick-up all of said pacifiers, taking them to a new baby that needs them, and leaving the coolest coolio toy in return.
Ella listened, tilted her head, and said, "Oh no, that is a bad idea."

So...I suppose it's back to the drawing board?!?!?!

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