Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oh My Heck!

Summer vacation with my little people hasn't been awesome thus far. It's not like anything has really gone wrong, it's just that there has been mucho bickering and in-fighting, and I don't have the energy to re-direct, so I just end up crabby and snappy instead.
It isn't often I feel overwhelmed by the group of the kids. I feel like four is a good number and they are different people, that need different things at different times, so I can keep most balls in the air. However, I have to admit I am completely broken-down by whining or tattling. And appearantly I am feeding into it just enough to keep things border-line miserable.
Mr. Workin' feels like I am crabby too often, but I find he short and snappy after a few hours behind the parenting wheel as well.
Just a quick vent. This too shall pass. I am working at bringing in a little "mama-helper" help to get some breaks.
Just, pray for me. Pray for the kiddos. I will pray to be able to let myself be helped.

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