Sunday, April 25, 2010

Four years ago...CRAZY

Wow time does fly...this is a post from January '06, it's kinda fun to look back and see how much things have changed. I have changed some of my privacy ideas; Wyeth was known as Plus One or WH and Ella was Newbie. And Mr. Workin' was Mr. Thinkin'. :)
The New Year is here! All is well with us. Plus One is growing and coming into his own. My belly is starting to expand, as this is week 17 for Newbie. Mr. Thinkin' and I are doing well. All is good.

Plus One - 18 months
(whom I will from this point on refer to as WH)

He is talking more all the time. I sat down to count his words the other night and easily came up with about 50. He can string a couple of words together, but doesn't often. He spent the Christmas season referring to Santa as "ho ho ho" (so cute). He is still madly in love with horses and all other animals (but mostly horses). Sleeping is going well. He sleeps about 12 hours at night and naps for 2-3 hours once a day. The kid eats like a horse and is still in the 10 percentile for weight. I think he has the metabolism I dream of. There is definite signs of "independence" starting to shine through. We get lots of, "Hey, no-nos". He seems less violent, but that largely depends on how well he is rested. I am currently the preferred parent, which means he is more grouchy towards Daddy. Overall, I would say he is just where I would expect a bright 18 month old to be.

Newbie - 17 weeks
I need to start with, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! I was not well weeks 10-14 or so. The dork in me was convinced I had the flu most of that time. Feeling great though-out my first pregnancy lead to greater confusion on my part I am sure. We saw the baby at 11 weeks, and it looked like a gummy bear. At 15 weeks, we had a regular OB appointment where they were slow to find the heartbeat, due to the fact I am carrying so high. Needless to say I was panicked for several minutes. All seems well at this point. There seems to be less movement than when I was carrying WH, but I think that might be due to how/where I am carrying this babe. We (or I should say I) are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby sometime this month. During the time I was so sick I thought it definitely had to be a girl, but how I keep dreaming it is a boy. WHO knows!

Not much else is happening around here. My mom is coming in February to help get WH's new room ready and get the nursery going. We are very undecided on boy's names still. My Notre Dame husband is currently voting for Brady Quinn. I think Quinn Brayden is ok, but we are not going to name our child after a QB for ND.

I was thinking Ella was a boy?!?! I don't even remember that. And where I was carrying her went on to be quite an issue. The like to bang her little head into my ribs in the later months! Oh the joys.

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