Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This, the house of sick is on my last nerve.
Ella puked the length of her bed last night, just as I was falling asleep. Poor little monkey. She got puke in her hair. GROSS. Thankfully Mr. Work was here to help with a quick tubby, jammie change, and remaking of the bed.
WHY oh WHY?!?!? Are we so susceptible to every freaking little bug this winter? Frankly we have never been great hand washers, but neither was my mom and her mom before that? Can it really make a difference? Really? Have things somehow changed?
The kiddos have been taking an immune support powder I picked up from our homeopath, and they also have a Flintstones gummy vitamins daily. I feed them fruits and veggies (well, I try to anyway) and they drink a fair amount of water daily as well. What am I missing?

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