Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mystery Solved!

So, Ella-Bella has some sort of bug that makes her feverish and clingy. Poor little squirt, I hate it when she goes days without eating. For one she really can't afford it and secondly, I just do not understand "not eating".

My throat is sore again...and I decided it has nothing to do with a bug. I am pretty sure I am allergic to orange food dye. I had problems when I was super pregnant with Ella. There were a large amount of Popsicles consumed towards the end, and I, from time to time, would get an itchy throat and swollen tongue. Soooooo, I am thinking maybe there is a connection between in those Popsicles and the Diet Sunkist I have been enjoying as of late???

Weird, huh?

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