1- Ergo...I have heard wonderful things about this carrier, and have seen many men sporting their little tykes using this one. It transfers the weight of the baby from your back to your hips, and therefore you can carry them for longer periods of time and until they are older.

2- Baby timer...I am not sure I needed this with Wyeth, I was so tuned into him and his every need, but now with all the other responsibilities I have, I think this little gadget would be nice. Sometimes I don't know if I am coming...or going...

3- Swaddle Blankets...these gauze swaddle blankets caught my eye because they are big and light, so they will be nice in all seasons. And I love swaddling.

I always wanted a thumb sucker. They are so cute...I know they have to wear braces and it can be next to impossible to break the habit before the child is ready. But, what's so wrong with that? We love in a big scary world and are only little for ten years, so what if you need to comfort yourself? Anyway... I have had a finger sucker, but no thumb suckers. I generally supply general variety of pacifiers, but I may go a little lighter this round...if Mac shows interest in his hands at all, I am going to encourage it. :)
So product wise, that pretty much covers the bases.
Oh, and I got a nursing cover at a consignment sale this fall too. I have become pretty disgreet over the years, but it will be nice to have in some situations. It's nice and light, so hopefully it won't make me hot. Nursing always makes me HOT.

Just my opinion. I am so looking forward to the baby at this point. I just want to suck on his lips and smell his head, and count his toes. sigh.
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