I am not going to re-type the whole thing. I don't have the patience, it's not something I am long on at this stage of the pregnancy.
Anyway, I had a guarded and highly analytzed list of baby products I wanted and NEEDed when I became pregnany with Wy-guy. I remember dragging Mr. Workin' all over greater PDX shopping and putting hands on each and every opition out there. It never occurred to me for a moment that my parenting ability came from my heart, not selecting the perfect swing, and travel system, and pack 'n play.
Seven years later, I have matured a bit. There were defieantly numerous things one the list that I never used, and many other things, that through hands on experience, I now know are quite inportant.
Things I am lost without...
1. Baby swing...that can recline enough for a newborn.

2. Mirror for the car...the one the hooks to the headrest so you can see how babe is in your rearveiw mirror.

3. Monitor...I prefer the one with lights, so you can turn down the sound and still see if the baby is making noise. The sound of your baby crying is 100% more stressful thn just the knowledge, which is still mighty heartbreaking.

4.Sling...I don't have a favorite, but I have a ton of different ones. They say babies cry 40% less when they are carried in a sling. I used and loved the Baby Bjorne and Mr. Workin' liked it better than any sling. It seems more masculine somehow.

5. Swaddle Blankets...not to be confused with a receiving blanket, I like having a handful of big, just for swadling, swaddle blankets. Ella would still be swaddled at night if I wasn't worried about being put in jail for it. It just made her so happy.
6. Lansinoh Brand nursing pads and lanolin...those first several weeks can be tough, and smearing on the lanolin without worrying about the effect to the babe is so releiving.

These are my top six.
Next I will show my list for this baby, of new products.
Stay tuned...
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