I didn't make it to 38 weeks with Wyeth or Fara, but I did with Ella! And here is my post from about half way through the week...
So, I guess the lesson is that if you deliver your baby early and never get to the miserable last month of pregnancy, you are one lucky duck!!!
I am struggling over here!!! We went to the dr. yesterday and I am closed up like a 16 year old virgin! The dr. (used to be Dr. Cool Guy, but is now Dr. On My Nerves!) said I am right on track to deliver around my due-date! GRRREEAAAAATTTT!!!! This all-natural girl is starting to understand the appeal of scheduled c-sections and inductions! Too bad I have spent the last three years brain-washing my husband to believe those things are evil!
I am really trying to keep my sense of humor around all this, but yesterday I had to have a good cry! My mom told me that feeling sorry for myself wouldn't bring the girlie on any sooner (thanks mom). All things work out for the best in their own time, and I just need to be patient. I am just excited to meet my little girl AND I want my body back!
I don't clearly remember writing this post. However, it's nice to see I felt fairly miserable about being pregnant, and was able to block those memeories.
As for how I am feeling now, I want to go on record as saying I don't feel like I am going to have a baby anytime soon. All that can change in a matter of hours... I will keep you posted.
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