Spring is upon us, in theory at least. The weather is still poopy. We don't get sun without wind. I could actually become whiny about the weather given an audience.
Just for the sake of purging my brain, here's a list rolling around currently...
~ Sara and I have made strides at moving forward in our friendship. It's nice to be forgiven and more forward. She has mentioned a trip to catch-up something this summer, but life is so busy...I am not sure there will be time. It's sounds fun though.
~ Camp schedules are out. Most of them are only directed at W's age group. I could probably fib Ella into a sports camp but I not sure it would be worth it. I would like to spread the wealth and do a camp at each of the major spots; Children's Museum, Rec District, and Heisey. I think we will be here for June and August, and it seems like the camps mostly happen in June. Oh, and we need to do the church's vacation bible school too. I am not sure if I want to help teach, or take advantage of the fact I can spend time with Mr. Mac. Oh right, and they will do swimming lessons in June and August too. I think. Ahhh! The summer is starting to sound busy already and it's the middle of April.
~ I still haven't gotten my blood results back. It's kinda shitty that I have fallen thru the cracks but I am not in a hurry to call and bug the dr. based on fear of the results. I need to get over it and make the call. I will...soon.
~ We are the 95% project people. There are several little things that need to be done in the kitchen and I don't want to loose momentum for purging and face-lifting. I need to order the new front door and to find a fabric for the shower curtain in the guest bathroom.
~ I need to build in a week for spring cleaning in the next month. This house is gross by my standards.
~ I have started to shop a bit for Hawaii. The kiddos will need warm weather clothes. Before I go too wild, I need to pull the summer clothes from the attic. I swear baby brain is handi-capping my memory.
~ Mr. Workin' and I have been more grouchy with each other than we had been. I am fairly certain it mostly has to do with the adjustment to the new baby and my lack of sleep. I don't tolerate much when I am tired.
~ I am pleased to be drug free at this juncture though. The off-brand of Paxil wasn't cutting the mustard, and although things haven't been perfect, they are manageable. No one feels 100%, 100% of the time. It's good to have some dips as long as they are not destructive.
And that is all for now. A whole alotta nothing really.
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