In the picture of me holding Mac, I was super puffy from all the fluids they pumped in me. The little dude is a champion nurser and from the first latch has been great. After I fed the baby for the first time the nurses came back to give Mac his first tubby and take his picture for the hospital website. It all seems kind of fuzzy...thankfully there are pictures of his first bath to jog my memory.
So it was about 8:15 when I got back to the room. And by the time we bathed the baby and let him nurse several times, it was about 11:00. I, of course, was high on happiness. Mr. Workin's folks brought him dinner and came briefly to see the baby. I have no idea when exactly that was.
After things settled down, I stripped Mac down and looked him over like only a momma would. Perfect...every last inch.
Dr. K came in to check on us and tell me about the surgery at about 11:30. She explained that she basically was trying to stitch the vessel to my bone because she couldn't see and there was no room. She said she thought my pubic bone would be quite sore. She was correct. Between that and the bladder trauma, I felt like I had been hit by a truck between my collar bones and hips. ooofta.
We didn't sleep a whole lot that first night. I found I was much stronger from the beginning in my recovery. I could pull myself up from a lying to sitting position by the next morning. The soreness came more from my stomach muscles than the incision. It was so different than the c-section with Fara.
Mac wanted to nurse most the night and it didn't occur to me to try a pacifier until the second night.
Baby Mac and Grannie
We had several visitors the first day. But the most exciting was introducing the babe and kiddos. My mom came up to the hospital with them. It matters not, when I see mo=y mom after a big event like that, I tear up. Everyone seemed to love him. The kids all wanted to sit with me in the bed and I worked at being kind and inviting even though I was nervous about them hurting me.
I had to have a catheter longer than average because of the bladder trauma. But once that was gone, I was able to get up and walk and it has been smooth sailing.
We checked out of the hospital at about noon on Friday. Recovery has been speedy and the more I know of Mac the more in love I become. He is an easy baby.
Welcome to the family little dude!
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