1~ The first time I saw Mr. Workin', we passed in a hall and and our eyes locked...I knew in that moment he would be significant in my life.
2~ When he proposed he dropped the ring box out of his pocket and I pretended like I didn't see it happen.
3~ He was a non-practicing Catholic and I was an Episcopalian. I thought for the first five years of our relationship we would raise our children in the Episcopal church. Now we are all devoted and happy Catholics. The children even attend a Catholic school. God changed my heart for the sake of our marriage and I am forever thankful.
4~ He is smart and clever, and when I make him belly laugh, it makes my heart sing.
5~ Mr. Workin' earned his name because he doesn't want his name out in the Internets and his career is VERY important to him.
6~ He nicknamed me "D" early in our relationship, and at first it kinda annoyed me, and now I know it means love.
7~ He's a huge sports fan, and loves to have friendly bets with his buddies. But he is happier hanging at home watching sports than hanging out with buddies (other than his high school buddies who don't live here.)
8~ Parenting comes naturally to him, and he's a great dad. I am so grateful his is the father of my babes.
9~ I haven't always at every moment felt like our relationship is forever, but I know that there isn't a person I would rather be on this journey on.
10~ We will have been married 10 years and together 12 years in October of this year.