Ugh, I am so tired of the food battle that goes on every single meal.
It's my responsibility as the mom to make sure these little people are consuming healthful things. How did they get so addicted to sugar? Juice, gummies, sugar cereal, cookies, suckers, and white's all packed with sugar and it's what my babes beg for.
It is horrifying to take them to a friend's house for dinner and have them loudly declare, I don't like that, before they even try it. For this I have the "one bite rule". How much and/or how many bites they have to eat is something we talk about at every meal. There's a thing I overlooked in parenting before I became a parent. You will have to say the same everlovin' thing five times a day for years, before you children will get it.
And on the average night, one of the three kiddos will ask for a snack within 20 minutes of being excused from dinner. Grrrr.
I am not sure there is a right answer, or if you can say something to make me feel better about this little problem.
Here are my rules for my three, four and six year old:
~ You must take one bite of everything on your plate.
~ If you want seconds of something the one bites must be done.
~ We eat at only five set times during the day. 7am, 10am, Noon, 3pm and 6-7pm.
~ You can have one serving of juice and one sugar snack per day.
I think those sound resonable?
Those sound great. We have one to add to that we have "treat night" on Wednesday and Sunday. Alos the kids get milk or water with breakfast and dinner and can have juice once a day. Change is hard but stick to your gunns. Check out the web page I have started it and it works great. I make one meal with a main course a fruit and a vegi for dinner and if they dont eat they dont eat and they do not eat after dinner. Same with snack we usually have a fruit and cracher or cheese. I give them two options and they have a set time to choose (so it does not go on forever)or they dont get snack. Mine learned quickly that mamma means busineses. Now is a great time to slowly switch to healthy snacks with all the great fruits coming for spring. Hope that helped. Tricia
Thanks Tricia, I will check it out. :)
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