Wow time does fly...this is a post from January '06, it's kinda fun to look back and see how much things have changed. I have changed some of my privacy ideas; Wyeth was known as Plus One or WH and Ella was Newbie. And Mr. Workin' was Mr. Thinkin'. :)
The New Year is here! All is well with us. Plus One is growing and coming into his own. My belly is starting to expand, as this is week 17 for Newbie. Mr. Thinkin' and I are doing well. All is good.
Plus One - 18 months
(whom I will from this point on refer to as WH)
He is talking more all the time. I sat down to count his words the other night and easily came up with about 50. He can string a couple of words together, but doesn't often. He spent the Christmas season referring to Santa as "ho ho ho" (so cute). He is still madly in love with horses and all other animals (but mostly horses). Sleeping is going well. He sleeps about 12 hours at night and naps for 2-3 hours once a day. The kid eats like a horse and is still in the 10 percentile for weight. I think he has the metabolism I dream of. There is definite signs of "independence" starting to shine through. We get lots of, "Hey, no-nos". He seems less violent, but that largely depends on how well he is rested. I am currently the preferred parent, which means he is more grouchy towards Daddy. Overall, I would say he is just where I would expect a bright 18 month old to be.
Newbie - 17 weeks
I need to start with, I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! I was not well weeks 10-14 or so. The dork in me was convinced I had the flu most of that time. Feeling great though-out my first pregnancy lead to greater confusion on my part I am sure. We saw the baby at 11 weeks, and it looked like a gummy bear. At 15 weeks, we had a regular OB appointment where they were slow to find the heartbeat, due to the fact I am carrying so high. Needless to say I was panicked for several minutes. All seems well at this point. There seems to be less movement than when I was carrying WH, but I think that might be due to how/where I am carrying this babe. We (or I should say I) are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby sometime this month. During the time I was so sick I thought it definitely had to be a girl, but how I keep dreaming it is a boy. WHO knows!
Not much else is happening around here. My mom is coming in February to help get WH's new room ready and get the nursery going. We are very undecided on boy's names still. My Notre Dame husband is currently voting for Brady Quinn. I think Quinn Brayden is ok, but we are not going to name our child after a QB for ND.
I was thinking Ella was a boy?!?! I don't even remember that. And where I was carrying her went on to be quite an issue. The like to bang her little head into my ribs in the later months! Oh the joys.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Background music
Why do blogs have background music. It doesn't make me happy. You stopped by to read for pete's sake!
Lose the tunes people!
Lose the tunes people!
Where is my baby boy??
~Almost Six~
My Wy-gy,
We are coming to the end of the first year of Kindergarten. For the most part you are up and ready to go each and every morning. As the mama, I am working to set a better pace for our morning routine. I know you learn more and have a more peaceful day when we have a good start to your day. You are not a baby anymore, you are my school aged boy. When I watch you sleeping, I am astounded at your length. You look huge!
You just moved into a new phonics workbook, and love it! You are sometimes concerned with other students in your class being ahead of you in their workbooks, but your teacher assures me you are doing just fine. You haven't wanted to read much with me, but you are clearly capable when the mood strikes you.
I feel like you may share your daddy's passion for numbers. When we are out to dinner (which is more than it should be) Daddy make you addition and subtraction problems. It's fun for me to watch it.
You love science. Every book you bring home from the library is full of science. You love to think about our Earth and the creatures in it. You have a thing for snakes, and I am telling you, if you ever try to bring a snake into my house...I don't know what...I hope we can settle on a fish or lizard.
I love you, little dude. Your kindness is challenged from time to time lately. You are making a shift from my tender baby to a tough little boy. You are still the best snuggler I know, but you might throw a head-butt in the mix.
Some things about you...
-Your body seems more lanky.
-None of your baby teeth have started to become loose.
-You movements are more precise and deliberate; batting is becoming easier for you.
-You love running, jumping, climbing, and throwing and really have trouble staying still.
-You love to draw and the other day you even used sticks to spell your name.
-We are working on learning to tie laces, although you are not very excited about it.
-You know you are left handed and can identify right and left hands fairly consistently.
-You defiantly hold onto your beliefs about magic or fantasy.
-You talk a lot. You make us laugh with some of you idealistic theories.
-You have started trying to use slang and profanity and find it funny. Most annoying is your love of baby talk.
-When you are angry you say things like, "That's mine! Give it back, you meany."
-You have mood swings towards me, which I choose to see as a sign of attachment. You still need closeness and loves from me.
-You often are anxious to please and need and seek adult approval, reassurance, and praise.
-You are so hard on yourself! You see yourself as a failure and get disappointed and frustrated. It hurts my heart.
-You don't always understand ethical behavior or moral standards and this makes the stories of the playground quite interesting. We spend a lot of time talking about being careful to not hurt other people's heart.
Friday, April 23, 2010
~31 months~
Dear Fairclough,
You are such a little ham. Your need for order is obvious on a nearly daily basis. If I move something in the house or we go somewhere you are used to having things a certain way, the change throws you for a loop. It doesn't necessarily make you grouchy, you just want to know WHY!
You are completely potty-trained and are dry when you wake up in the morning or from a nap. I am quite proud of how quickly you accomplished staying dry.
I am not quite sure where we are going with the paci. You love, love, love it. You are struggling with the "leave it on the bed" rule. You really want it when you are feeling emotional or sleepy. I get it. When I feel that way, I want to take a bath or eat comfort food. So, I am not prepared to just tell you, you should be done with your comfort item. We need to work together to change out our comfort items from something more healthy. Maybe you could find a cuddle friend and I could exercise or something.
Here are some of the things you are doing...
-You love to brush teeth, with help of cours.
You try balance on a foot.
-You are big into identifying relationships. Like saying, "Milla has a mom who is Colette" or "Daddy, Wyeth is your son."
-You can carry on a conversation of two or three sentences and then they turn circular.
-Wash and dry hands.
-Colors are hit and miss.
-You are good at putting on panties and pants, but shirts are not so easy.
-You know the ABC's and sing them well.
You make me laugh and your warmth is one of my favorite parts of being your mommy.
I love you my sweet girl.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Almost Four
My Darling Ella Bella,
You are such a little girly girl. I love how you flit from one part of a room to another, or that you are insistent on wearing a dress or skirt with tights nearly every day. Every mama needs a girl just like you. Your are so affectionate and are not shy about snuggling up with someone you just met.
You, like you sister, are still quite attached to your paci. You are good about only using it when you are on your bed.
You are sooooo determined; although I know it is a wonderful trait, I have to admit you and I have been going rounds lately. You do NOT like to be told how things need to be and neither do I, frankly. Sometimes when I go to bed at night, I think about our day...there have been a couple of times I cry thinking that maybe I was too hard on you. I don't want you to feel broken. I never want your heart to be hurt, my love. I just want us to have an understanding about where your bottom line comes from. Regardless of your ego or ideas, Daddy and I are here to help guide you to the greatness we know you will find.
Somethings you are about lately...
You can dress yourself, but things are often inside out and backwards.
You like to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
You love to color and draw shapes like circles and squares.
You must do things “all by myself”.
Sometimes you seem to understand what has happened in the past, present and future. And other times it just breaks you down.
You and Fara take turns and share sometimes. It's sweet to watch you two play.
You love to talk about who you are going to marry and Lily is your best friend.
You LOVE to celebrate holidays and want to help with decorations.
You are such a special little girl. And I want us to work to shake the "middle-child" badge you seem to pick up from time to time. You will always be our extraordinary oldest girl. I love you my angel baby!
Some time has passed since the deadly earthquakes in Haiti. When it fist happened, I would try to imagine our homes on our streets the way they are now, being crumbled up by a crack in the Earth. It is difficult to wrap my head around. Not to mention the sad state of where the nation of Haiti started.
After trying to decide how our family could affect the crisis in Haiti, it occurred to me, that as God's children we are called to tend or feed His flock. Not all of us can hop a plane to Haiti and lend a physical hand, and not all of us can send money to make a difference. Although, we can all send what we CAN afford. But what occurred to me, is we can tend to the Lord's sheep near us. If we all reach out and help someone, anyone...the wave of helping and tending could reach all the way to Haiti. We are all capable of helping in some way.
Although, all of this has crossed my mind, I haven't done much with my children to show them our family is interested in helping our fellow man.
But, as they get older Mr. Workin' and I do want help our children grasp the importance of helping and service.
After trying to decide how our family could affect the crisis in Haiti, it occurred to me, that as God's children we are called to tend or feed His flock. Not all of us can hop a plane to Haiti and lend a physical hand, and not all of us can send money to make a difference. Although, we can all send what we CAN afford. But what occurred to me, is we can tend to the Lord's sheep near us. If we all reach out and help someone, anyone...the wave of helping and tending could reach all the way to Haiti. We are all capable of helping in some way.
Although, all of this has crossed my mind, I haven't done much with my children to show them our family is interested in helping our fellow man.
But, as they get older Mr. Workin' and I do want help our children grasp the importance of helping and service.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Single Parenting
Mr. Workin' has been soooo busy for the last several months.
I know that his intention is to be successful and provide for his family. But somewhere or somehow along the way the line has been crossed; it leaves me feeling like I am a single parent.
He is easily working 80 hours a week. I signed up to parent 24/7, right...and really that means, for waking hours I try to be available. I am not sure how Mr. Workin' working 80 hours a week instead of his standard 55 changes how "on" I have to be for the kids, but it does... A LOT!
I am tired, quite tired.
AND there are so many things I want to be doing for my quality of life and the house, but I just don't have it. I want to exercise and decorate and play with the kids. Right now, I am doing laundry and cooking and cleaning and cleaning and running around. it is. I am hiring a cleaning crew to come in every other week.
I know that his intention is to be successful and provide for his family. But somewhere or somehow along the way the line has been crossed; it leaves me feeling like I am a single parent.
He is easily working 80 hours a week. I signed up to parent 24/7, right...and really that means, for waking hours I try to be available. I am not sure how Mr. Workin' working 80 hours a week instead of his standard 55 changes how "on" I have to be for the kids, but it does... A LOT!
I am tired, quite tired.
AND there are so many things I want to be doing for my quality of life and the house, but I just don't have it. I want to exercise and decorate and play with the kids. Right now, I am doing laundry and cooking and cleaning and cleaning and running around. it is. I am hiring a cleaning crew to come in every other week.
The kids love to be with family. There is so more attention to go around.
I could go on and on about the dynamics of family and my assessment of the weekend, but I am not sure it's worth the writing or then reading.
I am so very grateful to have family that values time together. I look forward to many more holidays together.
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