My Darling Ella Bella,
You are such a little girly girl. I love how you flit from one part of a room to another, or that you are insistent on wearing a dress or skirt with tights nearly every day. Every mama needs a girl just like you. Your are so affectionate and are not shy about snuggling up with someone you just met.
You, like you sister, are still quite attached to your paci. You are good about only using it when you are on your bed.
You are sooooo determined; although I know it is a wonderful trait, I have to admit you and I have been going rounds lately. You do NOT like to be told how things need to be and neither do I, frankly. Sometimes when I go to bed at night, I think about our day...there have been a couple of times I cry thinking that maybe I was too hard on you. I don't want you to feel broken. I never want your heart to be hurt, my love. I just want us to have an understanding about where your bottom line comes from. Regardless of your ego or ideas, Daddy and I are here to help guide you to the greatness we know you will find.
Somethings you are about lately...
You can dress yourself, but things are often inside out and backwards.
You like to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
You love to color and draw shapes like circles and squares.
You must do things “all by myself”.
Sometimes you seem to understand what has happened in the past, present and future. And other times it just breaks you down.
You and Fara take turns and share sometimes. It's sweet to watch you two play.
You love to talk about who you are going to marry and Lily is your best friend.
You LOVE to celebrate holidays and want to help with decorations.
You are such a special little girl. And I want us to work to shake the "middle-child" badge you seem to pick up from time to time. You will always be our extraordinary oldest girl. I love you my angel baby!
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