~Almost Six~
My Wy-gy,
We are coming to the end of the first year of Kindergarten. For the most part you are up and ready to go each and every morning. As the mama, I am working to set a better pace for our morning routine. I know you learn more and have a more peaceful day when we have a good start to your day. You are not a baby anymore, you are my school aged boy. When I watch you sleeping, I am astounded at your length. You look huge!
You just moved into a new phonics workbook, and love it! You are sometimes concerned with other students in your class being ahead of you in their workbooks, but your teacher assures me you are doing just fine. You haven't wanted to read much with me, but you are clearly capable when the mood strikes you.
I feel like you may share your daddy's passion for numbers. When we are out to dinner (which is more than it should be) Daddy make you addition and subtraction problems. It's fun for me to watch it.
You love science. Every book you bring home from the library is full of science. You love to think about our Earth and the creatures in it. You have a thing for snakes, and I am telling you, if you ever try to bring a snake into my house...I don't know what...I hope we can settle on a fish or lizard.
I love you, little dude. Your kindness is challenged from time to time lately. You are making a shift from my tender baby to a tough little boy. You are still the best snuggler I know, but you might throw a head-butt in the mix.
Some things about you...
-Your body seems more lanky.
-None of your baby teeth have started to become loose.
-You movements are more precise and deliberate; batting is becoming easier for you.
-You love running, jumping, climbing, and throwing and really have trouble staying still.
-You love to draw and the other day you even used sticks to spell your name.
-We are working on learning to tie laces, although you are not very excited about it.
-You know you are left handed and can identify right and left hands fairly consistently.
-You defiantly hold onto your beliefs about magic or fantasy.
-You talk a lot. You make us laugh with some of you idealistic theories.
-You have started trying to use slang and profanity and find it funny. Most annoying is your love of baby talk.
-When you are angry you say things like, "That's mine! Give it back, you meany."
-You have mood swings towards me, which I choose to see as a sign of attachment. You still need closeness and loves from me.
-You often are anxious to please and need and seek adult approval, reassurance, and praise.
-You are so hard on yourself! You see yourself as a failure and get disappointed and frustrated. It hurts my heart.
-You don't always understand ethical behavior or moral standards and this makes the stories of the playground quite interesting. We spend a lot of time talking about being careful to not hurt other people's heart.
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