"Eew....the goggy pit me." ~ Fara
Fara isn't a fan of big dogs and all little dogs are cats, according to her. Every time my mom's yellow lab licked her, she would say the dog spit on her.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
OH...it's Friday night and I ain't got....

Amy a blogger I have been following for about five years did this and I thought I would give it a shot. Not sure if it should be a "quick take" on this moment in time or this week? I will just see where I end up.
I have baby fever. I haven't had it in so long that I was beginning to think that maybe it wouldn't come back again. But the baby is 20 months and I am starting to a the itch to be pregnant.
We, mostly I, have started to mentally prepare for a puppy. The kids are starting to talk about having a dog more and more. Even Tom mentioned it is nice to have a dog. Pretty high on the list for me...crumb control. Also, when shopping for a puppy, we need to make sure it like bananas. It will be required to eat a fair amount of banana hunks left lying around.
I have narrowed the dress selection for Todd's wedding down to two. I am going to try them on for my mom so she can help me make the correct choice.
Speaking of going to France for a wedding. There has been a funny feeling deep in my tummy about leaving my babies for that long. They will be in excellent hands with my in-laws (and even my sis-in-law will be here most of the time with we gone). I don't know how to express how important my kiddos are to me. It crossed my mind to write them each a letter to give them in the event I never returned from this trip. Is that feeding negative thoughts, or just covering the bases?
On the whole, parenting has been going pretty well as of late. Wyeth is at a great age. He understands the rules and seems to be done (for the time being) testing me at every turn. Ella is still working on the potty training thing, but she gets it. She IS still testing me at nearly every turn. Fara is so funny and snugglie. The testing has just started with her. I hope she realizes though she is a mini-me, she isn't getting any slack from me.
My whole weight loss and shape-up goal for the new year is not going well. Basically that has been mainly due to the fact, I am not trying. It's easy to find a reason why I would rather eat. I think I need an over-eating intervention. It's easy to say that now, but it would be shocking if that actually happened. Someday I will not be as heavy as I am today, this much I know is true.
Planning for the Pig Roast in July has started. I will talk to Amanda next week about the who and what. :o)
"I retarded, Mama." ~ Ella
This is one of those quotes that made me want to DIE. I quickly explained, retarded is an ugly word. I wish I could say I don't know where she heard it... It is one of the handful of non-pc words I have been slow to get away from.
Nothing like you your pretty little girl pointing out how ugly something really is.
This is one of those quotes that made me want to DIE. I quickly explained, retarded is an ugly word. I wish I could say I don't know where she heard it... It is one of the handful of non-pc words I have been slow to get away from.
Nothing like you your pretty little girl pointing out how ugly something really is.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Social Butterfly...
I love to be social, Mr. Work does not.
This past weekend we were borderline over-commited. The kiddos are soooo tired. I am also quite tired. Tom is on the road.
That is all I have.
This past weekend we were borderline over-commited. The kiddos are soooo tired. I am also quite tired. Tom is on the road.
That is all I have.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Who I Am
Last night I couldn't fall asleep. There were four sleepless hours spent flipping my pillow looking for a cool spot. I finally got up and got on the computer. I once heard we use less brain activity when we watch television then we do sleeping, so if you are restless during the night, it is better to watch TV then get on the computer. Needless to say, the computer jacked me up more if anything. I finally was able to daydream to sleep about 3:30ish. Then Wyeth came in to snuggle at about 6:45. I felt pretty good most of the day; it was a bit surprising really.
With that being said, I was a little short with the kiddos. Not being a fan of having to repeat myself several times anyway, today I was just angry. We had a fun day. Wyeth went to school, we had a play-doh play date, then home for a quiet-time, a well eaten dinner, and we wrapped up the evening by playing outside for a couple hours. (btw...it is not warm out.)
I don't think many people function well when under-rested, but I, from my earliest memory, have been told I am witchy when tired. It's easy to get down on myself when I am so short with the kiddos. But in fairness, isn't it part of my job to show them how adults work their problems to solutions?
So, as I reflect on the day, I remember that though I snapped Wyeth's head clean off at the neck, I also demonstrated how when you realize you have hurt someone with your words or actions you are responsible to apologize and make it right.
With that being said, I was a little short with the kiddos. Not being a fan of having to repeat myself several times anyway, today I was just angry. We had a fun day. Wyeth went to school, we had a play-doh play date, then home for a quiet-time, a well eaten dinner, and we wrapped up the evening by playing outside for a couple hours. (btw...it is not warm out.)
I don't think many people function well when under-rested, but I, from my earliest memory, have been told I am witchy when tired. It's easy to get down on myself when I am so short with the kiddos. But in fairness, isn't it part of my job to show them how adults work their problems to solutions?
So, as I reflect on the day, I remember that though I snapped Wyeth's head clean off at the neck, I also demonstrated how when you realize you have hurt someone with your words or actions you are responsible to apologize and make it right.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
It was a great Easter at the HA-yes'! We enjoyed more jelly beans than five people should eat in a week. I managed to put an extra dry ham on the table and we all enjoyed a nice long nap this afternoon.
I have quite a few notes for next year. The timing of everything was smooth enough, but there are other little things, like taking Easter baskets to Mass for the egg hunt, I would like to remember. And speaking of Mass, my children were so well behaved in church today! I was one proud mama.
I think I would like to hide the Easter baskets. Next year may be a bit to soon, but when the kiddos get a bit older. We still aren't much into egg hunting. Wyeth thought it was fun for a few minutes, but he certainly wouldn't have looked for them again if re-hidden.
Future Easters...
I think I would like to hide the Easter baskets. Next year may be a bit to soon, but when the kiddos get a bit older. We still aren't much into egg hunting. Wyeth thought it was fun for a few minutes, but he certainly wouldn't have looked for them again if re-hidden.
Future Easters...
- Eggs should be colored on Friday evening.
- Fun options for Easter grass?
- Dessert and salad for Easter dinner?
- Jelly beans are the stickiest candy ever.
- Bunny tracks with flour.
- Go to Mass on Good Friday.
- Six eggs per child is prefect for coloring.
Friday, April 10, 2009
A friend in Grannie
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"It my eyes. Eye hurt Mommy." ~ Fara
Poor little thing. She woke up this morning with her glues gooped shut.
Grrrrrr. Cold and flu season be gone!
Poor little thing. She woke up this morning with her glues gooped shut.
Grrrrrr. Cold and flu season be gone!
Young Love
My boy says he has picked his mate. He informed over lunch yesterday that his best girl wasn't at school that day. He went on to explain that he really missed her and that he will probably marry her at someday. My little guy is already talking about marriage?
This is someone that does not grasp the difference between one hour, one day, and one week. Let alone the amount of time that will have to pass before he is ready for marriage. I tried to explain that there are so many more girls that he will meet in the next twenty years. He replied, "But Mom, I love her."
Oh man.! He's got it bad.
This is someone that does not grasp the difference between one hour, one day, and one week. Let alone the amount of time that will have to pass before he is ready for marriage. I tried to explain that there are so many more girls that he will meet in the next twenty years. He replied, "But Mom, I love her."
Oh man.! He's got it bad.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
"Wyeth, there are 20,000 Legos on the family room floor." ~Me
"I think you mean eleventeen." ~ Wyeth
"I think you mean eleventeen." ~ Wyeth
K-Y Touch
When K-Y Touch massage oils came out, I received a variety pack of mini bottles in a gift (I can't remember from whom, which is interesting since it seems like quite an intimate gift.)
So not being one to enjoy massaging my partner, the bottles have been shoved in the back of my night-stand drawer for several years. I would have preferred they stay there...forever. My girls had other plans. They pulled out all five or six bottles and spilled them...in their throats, down the front of their clothes, on the floor, and on several bills from my night-stand. I was first concerned with their clothes. That stuff is oily and I didn't want it to stain. But then it occurred to me that it was made to get all over the sheets. Duh.
So, I guess the only thing I have to worry about is the bills. You think Alltel will know what that is all over the bill? Surely they have seen worse?
So not being one to enjoy massaging my partner, the bottles have been shoved in the back of my night-stand drawer for several years. I would have preferred they stay there...forever. My girls had other plans. They pulled out all five or six bottles and spilled them...in their throats, down the front of their clothes, on the floor, and on several bills from my night-stand. I was first concerned with their clothes. That stuff is oily and I didn't want it to stain. But then it occurred to me that it was made to get all over the sheets. Duh.
So, I guess the only thing I have to worry about is the bills. You think Alltel will know what that is all over the bill? Surely they have seen worse?
Stream of conscious to follow...
I am not sure there ever will come a time when I don't want to be pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I was super ready for a break after having only five months between my pregnancies with the girls. And who isn't ready for a pregnancy to be over by the 40th week? Pleeeaaase.
But with all that being said, there is something so exciting about the news that you are having a baby. I love it. The mystery of something growing is your body is unbelievable. Is it a boy or a girl? Will this new little person be more like Tom or me? Who will this person be?
My daydreams have been more and more about a little baby... a baby for Fara to be a big sister to. I have three children and I often question whether I actually understand the magnitude of bringing a person into this world. Our culture sends some major mixed messages about what it means to have a baby. Young people are suppose to abstain from sexual relationships in order to avoid having a baby. Yet if a women waits "too long" to have a child, she is faced with years of questions and when and if she wants to have a baby.
I completely respect women who don't feel like they were put this Earth to make babies. And while I want to accomplish more than just having babies, pregnancy and babies is one of the highlights of my life. Having babies isn't the smoothest of my accomplishments. Wyeth's labor was ridiculously long, I had some crazy bleeding with Ella, and Fara's pregnancy involved a complete placenta pivia with an exciting three week hospital stay. However, God has blessed me with perfect babies, and I want the streak to continue.
We are still looking at the beginning of the year as our conception date goal, so there is still some time. But, for the record, I am feeling ready.
I am not sure there ever will come a time when I don't want to be pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I was super ready for a break after having only five months between my pregnancies with the girls. And who isn't ready for a pregnancy to be over by the 40th week? Pleeeaaase.
But with all that being said, there is something so exciting about the news that you are having a baby. I love it. The mystery of something growing is your body is unbelievable. Is it a boy or a girl? Will this new little person be more like Tom or me? Who will this person be?
My daydreams have been more and more about a little baby... a baby for Fara to be a big sister to. I have three children and I often question whether I actually understand the magnitude of bringing a person into this world. Our culture sends some major mixed messages about what it means to have a baby. Young people are suppose to abstain from sexual relationships in order to avoid having a baby. Yet if a women waits "too long" to have a child, she is faced with years of questions and when and if she wants to have a baby.
I completely respect women who don't feel like they were put this Earth to make babies. And while I want to accomplish more than just having babies, pregnancy and babies is one of the highlights of my life. Having babies isn't the smoothest of my accomplishments. Wyeth's labor was ridiculously long, I had some crazy bleeding with Ella, and Fara's pregnancy involved a complete placenta pivia with an exciting three week hospital stay. However, God has blessed me with perfect babies, and I want the streak to continue.
We are still looking at the beginning of the year as our conception date goal, so there is still some time. But, for the record, I am feeling ready.
Friday, April 3, 2009
"Mommy, I pooped and now I need a smarshmallow for me." ~Ella
The word smarshmallow out of Ella's mouth is to die for!
The word smarshmallow out of Ella's mouth is to die for!
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