Amy a blogger I have been following for about five years did this and I thought I would give it a shot. Not sure if it should be a "quick take" on this moment in time or this week? I will just see where I end up.
I have baby fever. I haven't had it in so long that I was beginning to think that maybe it wouldn't come back again. But the baby is 20 months and I am starting to a the itch to be pregnant.
We, mostly I, have started to mentally prepare for a puppy. The kids are starting to talk about having a dog more and more. Even Tom mentioned it is nice to have a dog. Pretty high on the list for me...crumb control. Also, when shopping for a puppy, we need to make sure it like bananas. It will be required to eat a fair amount of banana hunks left lying around.
I have narrowed the dress selection for Todd's wedding down to two. I am going to try them on for my mom so she can help me make the correct choice.
Speaking of going to France for a wedding. There has been a funny feeling deep in my tummy about leaving my babies for that long. They will be in excellent hands with my in-laws (and even my sis-in-law will be here most of the time with we gone). I don't know how to express how important my kiddos are to me. It crossed my mind to write them each a letter to give them in the event I never returned from this trip. Is that feeding negative thoughts, or just covering the bases?
On the whole, parenting has been going pretty well as of late. Wyeth is at a great age. He understands the rules and seems to be done (for the time being) testing me at every turn. Ella is still working on the potty training thing, but she gets it. She IS still testing me at nearly every turn. Fara is so funny and snugglie. The testing has just started with her. I hope she realizes though she is a mini-me, she isn't getting any slack from me.
My whole weight loss and shape-up goal for the new year is not going well. Basically that has been mainly due to the fact, I am not trying. It's easy to find a reason why I would rather eat. I think I need an over-eating intervention. It's easy to say that now, but it would be shocking if that actually happened. Someday I will not be as heavy as I am today, this much I know is true.
Planning for the Pig Roast in July has started. I will talk to Amanda next week about the who and what. :o)
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