We have changed so much since I was last actively posting here. The baby isn't a baby anymore and Wy is a little man-child. We are blessed with strong healthy babes and just keep growing and changing. We took a week long spring Break to Arizona in late March. The kids did really well on the plane and aside from some moments of entitlement that nearly brought me to my knees, we had a wonderful time.
I know I am raising these people different than I was raised, but I struggle from time to time with them not understanding how lucky they are. Is there a way for them to appreciate that it is a gift to be able to travel by airplane and go and stay away from home in a resort for a week? I mean I know there are ways, but the teaching moments aren't apparent to me until I am saying icky things about not EVEYONE being able to do these things. I don't want them to feel lucky as the sake of someone else. I also don't want monster melts downs about not getting this or that.
Being a mom in the moment and finding teaching opportunities in everyday moments without losing my cool will forever be one of my biggest goals. I pray about it all the time! Peace and grace, peace and grace.
What are some of your parenting goals with your growing family?
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