The pregnancy hasn't been the easiest I've had, and while nothing is worth truly crying about, I am having a rough go of it this evening. I better back up and tell you, I have been on bed-rest for the two weeks. I haven't been chatty about it on fb, mostly because I am not interested in any one's opinions. There are a contingency of people that weren't thrilled with my having a fourth child. Not that I am sure what business it is of theirs, I just don't want to get into it with them.
Bed-rest sucks! If you told the average person, "yay, you get to take the next 6-8 weeks off, to lay in bed and be waited on," they would probably kiss you. However, after doing it for a second time, it is anything but great. I have miles of lists I would like to accomplish, my house is in an awful disarray, I am at everyone elses mercy for schedule and food, my hubby is hot/cold about helping and all anybody can say is, "oh the end result is so worth it." Right, I get that. That's why I'm still in bed. But for the love of all that is good and green stop telling me to just relax and enjoy it. I understand that I am not dealing from center...I have more raging hormones then a lady elephant and I feel down.
I work hard to keep the emotions and tears at bay, so I don't stuck into a pit of despair. Tonight I needed to vent.
As 2010 comes to an end, I am going to sulk and get it out of my system. 2011 can be even brighter.
Here's the visual~ stretch marks and all.

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