We decide to take a week and adventure down to Wyoming for some time with my side of the family. We intended to leave around 8 am on Saturday morning, but when Wy woke at 3:30 am still complaining of stomach cramps and having not held anything in his tummy for 20ish hours, I decided to make a quick dash to the er (quick and er are not good together...when am I going to get that?). We could have wait for the immediate care clinic to open, but I really wanted to get on the road. Mr. Workin' says, I am now "one of those moms" whom run to the er for the littlest thing. But I disagree, since we thankfully have insurance.
I am fairly certain the er dr. thought I was an alarmist, but it did take several attempts to get him to hold something. After 3.5 hours, we concluded it was just a nasty bug and headed home.
We got on the road at about 11:30. When we got to BH, the Minis (my brother and his wife) had helped mom and dad prepare a feast of sorts. After dinner we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. Wy wasn't able to have any, but the girls were a delightfully sticky mess.
We spent the next several days just playing with the kids and enjoying the family. The folks belong to a golf community with a great swimming pool. The kids had a great time while Mr. Workin' and I soaked in the sun.
Thursday morning we headed to Wheatland to visit my mom's folks. They are in their mid to late 80s, and kickin' along twenty miles out in the counrty. It was a great visit. It's so fun to let the kiddos just be outside and play for hour on end. The kids are getting old enough to really put together who these grandparents are. It's cute.
It was a great trip overall. When we were about half way home, Fara vomited on herslef and all over her carseat. She seemed to have pick-up the same bug Wy a week before. Ella was the next to go down in the last several hours before we got home.
I would say we were pretty lucky to avoid the sickness while actually visiting other people. :)
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