Ella is still having tummy pains. I took her to the clinic yesterday. Basically she has the same bug the other two did, it's just she never vomited so she is having a harder time getting over it. Hopefully another day on Mirilax will straighten her all out. Poor girl, between the pain and the drama caused by the pain, I am at the limit of my nursing capabilities.
Three year olds are funny. Fara has convinced herself that "fruit punch" is an actual fruit. I have tried to explain that it is a mixture of several fruits, but her little mind just can't hear that. She keeps saying, "Is this a fruit punch?" about every fruit she doesn't recognize.
I am physically starting to notice the pregnancy for reasons other than fatigue and random vomiting. When I stand at the sink to do dishes, or lean over to pick-up something off the floor, there is a little bump that gets in the way. It's still not visible to most anybody, due to the extra weight I carry. But it's fun to know I feel that bump.
I have been trying to make gratitude a major theme in how a speak to Mr. Workin' or how I refer to our marriage. I have heard that gratitude just adds a positive light to any a situation. A marriage is something that has to be worked on, on an ongoing basis (enough of the word on!) and it seems like a simple enough thing to do. And, I think I can tell him I am thankful for the little things a couple of times a day until it adds up. Everyone likes to feel appreciated.
Wyeth is soooooo ready to go back to school. He hasn't said anything about it academically, but he misses his friends. It seems like he has gotten more difficult to entertain as the summer has progressed. My biggest beef with him, is his constant needs and wants and we shoulds. Grrr. Just be happy with what you have kid!
My Holy Spirit to-do list is getting longer by the moment. Between back-to-school activities and the Fall Event looming near, I could make much of every day about HS. I love it. It has given me a sense of purpose around the kids, but not directly for them that has helped me relocate myself.
I am having to fully restrain myself against baby prep shopping for the new baby. We need next to nothing for the new baby, but I just love all that sweet stuff. I have been cruising ebay, but also find myself at baby boutiques. :)