So, my little dude has been puking randomly in the middle of the night for the last yearish. I watched what he ate and drank. I considered his activity level and stress level. We talked about how to deal with anxiety and nightmares. I considered seasonal bugs and germs. However, I never found a pattern. After a particularly long bout of about four nights in a row of changing the sheets at one A.M., I started to get nervous. Let me tell ya...don't google, "why is my five year old vomiting in his sleep" at three A.M. There's nothing good going to come from you reading the list that pops up. Especially if you intend to sleep anytime in the near future.
So, I got him an appointment and the easiest and fastest fix would be to assume it's reflux. Well, Wy-guy wasn't even a spitty baby. He only spit-up if I didn't burp him. So, although I have wanted to dismiss the diagnosis, we started giving him Zantac every night before bed.
He hasn't puked since.
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