Wednesday, March 31, 2010 is about me.

The Ten Questions Meme
Time for another meme.

1. When you were born, how much did you weigh?
Laramie, WY ~ 8lbs, 2ozs. I hurt the hell out of my tiny mama.

2. What's you're sugar poison?
All things depending on my mood. I am not a huge candy fan. And if it is candy I crave, it's chocolate for sure.

3. If you had to choose between meat and cheese for the rest of your life, which would you choose? Then be specific.
This question just makes me sad, I wouldn't want to be without either. I think it has to be meat. I love cheese, but I cannot spend the rest of my life without prime rib or pork meat. Mmmmm, meat.

4. What, is your opinion, is the worst song ever?
It's a tie, the theme song to JC Superstar. Hate it. Also, I have never understood, the need to listen to any song by NIN. They hurt me.

5. Who was your favorite teacher growing up and why?
I had a bunch, but my middle school social studies teacher, was great. He seemed to have a good balance between fun and control. He cared. I wouldn't have been as successful in college without my English class my senior year. She was an amazing help.

6. What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most?
Either, using a tooth pick. Or blowing your nose and looking in the tissue.

7. Ok, there's a $50 bill lying on the ground. You pick it up. Dumbfounded by your incredible luck, what do you selfishly purchase?
Pedicure. No question.

8. Do you have a recurring nightmare? If so, explain.
The three little pigs are mean and then chase me and catch me and swing me around over thier heads by my underware. I want them to let me go, but I know I will fly into the mud.

9. Name one place on Earth you've never been, but vow to visit at least once.

10. You notice that question #9 wasn't really a question. You feel smart for catching such a small detail. What else can you do really well that reminds you how smart you are?
Eeeeshie...I am not good at this. I am good at something, and I know I am smart enough...
You tell me, what is it that I do that makes you think I must be a little smart?

I want a baby...

Isn't wanting a baby a funny thing? There have been times in my life when I really, really wanted a baby, when wanting a baby was the worst thing I could imagine, and when wanting a baby only lasted moments at a time.
Have have several friends that are unable to have a baby for one reason or another. Their pain is so palpable. I also have a handful of friends with secondary infertility. I am not sure which would be worse. Once, you have had a baby, shouldn't you just be thankful for the baby or babies you already have? On the other hand, if you know you can do it, wouldn't it be awful to feel like it had been taken away from you?
I have wanted to be a mama for as long as I can remember. I made a point in my life to go to school, get married and then have a babies. When I decided it was time to have a baby, there was nothing stopping me. And here I am six years later and I am starting to feel that huge all consuming pull again.
If you want a baby, try all the means at your disposal to conceive a baby, and don't get one, when do you stop trying to have one? There are so many different circumstances, but it just breaks my heart that women have to face this.
My friend in Oregon adopted a couple of kids, that was awesome for her and her family, but adoption isn't a blanket solution. And there are two people involved in infertile couple, what about if one person finds adoption a solution and the other doesn't?
Children are incredibly hard one a marriage. Young children are needy and physically draining. But I would think lack of children could be just as dangerous. If you love someone and assume that part of your role together include parenting, what happens? I am not sure. Mr. Workin' has said, he isn't sure we could have stayed together without children. We both cam to the table with a huge desire to parent.
I feel like I would have to redefine myself without the role of mommyhood. Children are an huge mirror for your own issues. There is nothing like watching your children to see some of your biggest short comings or fears in life.
It's just occurring to me, I think it would be nice to have been forced to look at myself outside of parenthood. There are times I feel lost in the abyss.
Maybe I will find myself in another baby?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And further more!

I nabbed this from a childhood friend, Danielle Arnoux. It makes a nice point.

" This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the US Department of Energy. I then took a shower in the clean water provided by the municipal water utility. After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. I watched this while eating breakfast of US Department of Agriculture inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the Food and Drug Administration.

At the appropriate time as regulated by the US Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Naval Observatory. I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approved automobile and set out to work on the roads built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve bank. On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to send via the US Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.

After work, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to a house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and fire marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all it's valuables thanks to the local police department.

I then log on to the internet which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration and post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right. "

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Since when do...

Since when do five year olds use the word immediately? Wyeth said, "If Dad doesn't come out here immediately, I will forget the dance moves I want to show him." I think the best part, is the seriousness in which it was delivered.

Since when isn't OK for teachers to have expectations of appropriate behavior in their class rooms? Ella fell to her knees in a puddle of tears when I dropped her off at school on Wednesday morning. She has been pulling this little stunt from time to time over the course of the year. I traded glances with the teacher, and darted from the room. I know that best thing is to just leave. When I retrieved Ella from school, she told me, "Erickson (she never remembers the Mrs.) told me to get up and stop acting like a baby." Which to me sounds like what Ella needed to hear. She is old enough and smart enough to know who she can "work" and who she can't. So, I was telling this story to a friend of mine and she became incensed and said she couldn't believe I would let a teacher or anyone for that matter, speak to my child like that. Really? Isn't there a whole component of school that is teaching your children to accept direction from someone other than their parents?

Since when is reform a bad thing? I am absolutely blown away by the disgusting behavior of many Americans so intolerant of change in this country. Isn't the one thing in life we can count on, change? You might need step in and guide me down from the soap box...
But another thing. There are all these people talking about things they have no real concept of and using fear as a big social order mechanism. It's gross.

That's it for now... I need to go check my blood pressure.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am totally blogging to avoid the 7,205 things I should be doing.

I need to be pricing for the consignment sale and the carnival is sneaking up on me too. Thankfully, the carnival is falling together nicely. The committee has been amazing. We are going to look at all the games on Sunday. Hopefully with some cleaning and maybe a quick coat of paint we will be ready to go. As it turns out, we have a hot dog machine, a sno cone machine and a popcorn machine all sitting in storage. I just wish I was a bit more handy with tuning up those machine. It has to have been at least four years since they have been used. Oh, and we had Baker Bob agree to let us use his cotton candy machine AND he is donating all the sugar. See! The next hurdle will be Pepsi. I wish this was more of a Coke town, but am grateful that Pepsi is so generous.


The kids are growing especially fast in the last several months. Maybe they can sense the green grass peeking through and the buds starting to plump up and know that Spring is a time for growth.
Ella is soooo tall. She looks a little silly in 3T clothes at this point. But, the thought of moving her up to a larger size is painful. She is a 2T waist and 4T length. Oh, how I wish I had her challenges.
Fara is doing quite well with potty training. As her father said the other day, we sure aren't going to have to worry about that child getting what she wants out of this life. I hope she can hold onto her tenacity.
Wyeth is fairly certain he is deeply misunderstood in his unjust world. Poor guy. He plays hard, learns hard and sleeps hard at this age. He is looking forward to endless hours of outside fun in the coming months.

Mr. Workin' is working on a HUGE deal that ha been all consuming in the last several weeks. I am proud of his dedication to his career. I can't imagine being with someone I had to encourage to find a job. We are blessed to have our daddy.

And, me, I am sooooo busy with this and that. I love it. I like to be needed by others aside from the needy chicklets that live here. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shooting my mouth off...

We are closer then ever to health care reform in this country we call our home land, and I am still grouchy with how long the process is taking. We you consider the idea that fear is what fuels so many of these arguments, I am astonished that congress has gotten as far as they have. Poor bastards.
I have to admit, I stayed pretty clear to the day to day trackings/changes of what congress is actually looking at, but come on already. I commend and therefore recommit myself to Obama for his tenacity to get this thing handled. It may not be perfect, but hell what is? And the only way we are going to effect change, is to continue to vote for the people that we are sending to DC.
Blah, blah, blah.
Any and all change is scary.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Little Mercer dog...

Mercer is a year old at this point and the little shit needs to be trained. However, finding the time to do so isn't high on my list. It's not fair to be angry with him all the time, but I am finding myself do just that. He is a source of frustration lately.
He has taken to finding something to shred while we are out of the house. Growing up we always had a dog and it never had to be kennelled that I can remember. When we got Mercer, and he was so easy to potty train, I was excited to find that he could be trusted just hang out anywhere he pleased while our family was out of the house.
I have been quite busy in the last several months and the dog's behavior is reflecting my absence. I know that he will get on the dining room table if there is food left sitting, but that is rarely the case, so it seems he has broadened his scope of mischief.
I would love to nip this little problem in the bud. And really, the fastest way I can figure is to kennel Mercer while we are out of the house. I would love to find that a walk right before I left the house would lessen the problem. On the other hand, it will take major effort to leave the house for even five minutes before I am scheduled to leave.
Maybe I should take him with me more often. Would he be happy sitting in the car instead of the house? If he torn up the car in any way, he would be murdered at the hand of Mr. Workin'.
I know what it takes to be a good pet owner. It's a commitment, one that I promised myself I could handle. I guess it's time I make little Mercer dog a priority. I will pull out the kennel and research some obiesence classes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Look

I keep changing the look of things for the blog, and I am still not happy. Change is good, commitment is harder. I will settle for commitment to change...for now.

Writing is still in the front of my mind, but I am sleepy tonight and I haven't seen Mr. Workin' for days, so I will just leave you with...

"Mom, you are such a cutie girl." ~ Ella

Truth be told, she is the cutie girl.

Monday, March 8, 2010


So, my little dude has been puking randomly in the middle of the night for the last yearish. I watched what he ate and drank. I considered his activity level and stress level. We talked about how to deal with anxiety and nightmares. I considered seasonal bugs and germs. However, I never found a pattern. After a particularly long bout of about four nights in a row of changing the sheets at one A.M., I started to get nervous. Let me tell ya...don't google, "why is my five year old vomiting in his sleep" at three A.M. There's nothing good going to come from you reading the list that pops up. Especially if you intend to sleep anytime in the near future.
So, I got him an appointment and the easiest and fastest fix would be to assume it's reflux. Well, Wy-guy wasn't even a spitty baby. He only spit-up if I didn't burp him. So, although I have wanted to dismiss the diagnosis, we started giving him Zantac every night before bed.
He hasn't puked since.

In the mood to write...

I think I will try to keep posting at least daily while I am in the mood to write...

*my garden

some topics I want to get to in the next several weeks.


We got our one and only credit card bill today. Mr. Workin' is a money guy and always makes fairly conservative money choices, so I assume that this credit card's interest rate and annual fee and such is the best he could find.
Under the new credit card laws the credit card company must disclose in the statement, if you only pay the minimum payment how long it will take to pay off your balance.
Are you ready...
$2700 = 13 years.
Really? 13 years?!?!?!?!?! I don't really use that card, unless I have run it by the money guy.
I think I will use it even less after THAT little lesson in interest.
Eeshie mama!


Man alive, it's been awhile. Have you missed me?

Let's recap the last month or so...
~I tired to wean off Paxil...not cool. Back on...maybe forever.
~We tired to get pregnant, unsuccessfully.
~We moved our trip to Hawaii from March to November, because Mr. Workin' is THAT busy.
~I let the laundry get so out of control, I am thinking of going to spend a day at the laundromat to get caught up.
~Home & School, I established a Carnival committee. The carnival will be April 17th.
~With interest in the proposed school uniform, I agreed to be part of the "Uniform Committee" and have had many meetings around that.
~MUMs (my mom's group) is sponsoring a children's consignment sale in April, very exciting on a multitude of levels.
~I purged our bedroom closets, leaving 1,951,324 areas of my house needing to be purged.
~I had a heart-to-heart with two good friends, both times not knowing if the friendship would remain.
~I had to ask my lover to return my Valentine's day gift...because I knew I would never wear them. (it seems like no biggie, but it was a test in the limits of when honesty is the best policy).
~Mom broke her shoulder, which sent me over the edge for a moment. It was just a small example of how fragile our parents are.
~Fara potty-trained herself. Pretty much. She's a smart one, that girl.
~Ella started eating again...after 2 1/2 years of giving me full blown gout over her food consumption, she eats.
~I started exercising less, which is not good. I need to get back to it.
~I agreed to co-chair the silent auction committee for the fall fundraiser.
~I ended up with a raging (maybe a bit dramatic, but I thought death was attractive [ok now that was dramatic]) kidney infection.
~I registered my baby for Tiny Tots. Really, I did.
~We decided to send Wyeth to all day Kindergarten next year...I still struggle with the decision.
~We decided to go to Sheridan for Easter.

And that about wraps it up.

Not being as organized as I would like to be, I have been driving Mr. Workin' a bit nuts. Fully embracing my "roll with it" motto is not his idea of a good time. And like I said there is a level of organization that would lessen the stress. So I suppose I will work on that.