Sunday, September 20, 2009


Today was our first mass where we were responsible for greeting and the gifts. We rushed to church early, because although I have seen the whole process 63 billion times in my life I felt like we needed a tutorial.
The kiddos were so good. Fara would parrot. "Good Morning" every single time I said it as we were greeting. I think Wyeth enjoyed seeing his school buddies at church. When will he realize that he attends a Catholic school, and not everyone goes to church with their friends from school? And how will he feel about it? It think it's super cool.
So, Fr. Dick was able to give us a quick run-through twenty minutes or so before mass started. With the new church being so GIANT, there are six baskets total for the offertory, and we didn't know quite now that would work out. Wyeth isn't quite old enough to grasp how to keep the baskets moving. Thankfully an usher swooped in at the last minute to help us.
Of course, it's always been on of my worst nightmares to spill the bread or wine. While we were standing on display, praying our "prayer of stewardship", Fara started yelling, "I hold you mommy." I was able to do a fancy one arm swing of her to my hip without spilling a drop! Yahoo me. And I am thinking people thought she was more cute then obnoxious. At least this is what I keep telling myself.
So, all and all mass went splendidly.

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