Mr. Work and I have been workin' on things. I am so relieved to hear from an outside (unbiased) party that we have all the things it will take to heal.
The "seven-year itch" is an interesting deal. After almost living through it, I still don't know why or what makes it exist. Our stuff never had anything to do with love or faithfulness as is the suggested problem in the "Seven Year Itch" movie from the '50s. Ours seems to be got what you wanted, now you need to want what you have. And let me be clear, I am not talking about Mr. Work specifically, I am more talking about a big mortgage, nice car, good job, a handful of kids and a dog. Mr. Work is a great friend to me and I have never questioned my love for him (my like of him, yes!).
I feel like by year seven all the cards are on the table so to speak. We know the good, bad, and the ugly of one another, and now it's time to remind ourselves that our lives and our marriage is a work in progress. I came into the marriage knowing that the rewards of coupling for life with someone out-weigh the hurts, if only marginally at some points. You have to willing to take the good with the bad. After all, it's right there in the vows.
Mr. Work and I, as a team, have fallen into some unhealthy communication habits, Wava has been able to help us correct the behaviors. Love that woman. I swear she is so wise.
I am working to be honest about what marriage is like, not to be negative, but honest. I truly believe what we are experiencing is just marriage. It's not a bad marriage, or one filled with unrealistic expectations. Our society gives us the idea that we always have to be "happy", and that if you are not, you need find a happy pill or divorce or make some other major change. You know, second marriages have no better success rate. And with that in mind, I keep returning to the fact, it's not my partner I have an issue with. It's more "getting along" in general. And I owe it to not only, Mr. Work, but all of man kind to "get long".
That brings me back to why and what we are doing to work on things. Life is stressful. Money or lack there of, toddlers, high pressure jobs, keeping up with the Jones (or in our case the Floyds) is all stress inducing. We aren't going to get anyway from it, but we can learn to manage it better. We can't always assume the world is out to get us, and that people are trying to hurt us. And that is most true for our partners.
So to complete cheese fest (but from my heart)...What God has joined together let no man put asunder.