Sunday, January 1, 2012

My 7 year old...

We had a rough start to the school year this year with the Wy-guy. I have always known he is quite bright and willing to work to learn. But at the beginning of first grade we weren't seeing either quality. He was getting in trouble for laughing and talking during class time. There were days when he was missing a good portion of his recess as a punishment for acting out. We talked to him and grounded him and at one point, I even spanked him. Nothing seemed to be getting the message across. Then, nearly as mysteriously as these naughty behaviors appeared...they vanished, leaving a typical seven boy's behavior in their place. Whew~what a relief.
His personality is bursting from his little self lately. And really, he's not little either, I think he is pushing 70ish lbs. It's fun to hear him exploring with sarcasm and his sense of humor. He has begun to appreciate the feeling of making others happy or laugh.
He makes me nearly burst with pride.
Thanks to Amy for capturing this goofy moment. :)

Happy New Year!

I haven't written in FOREVER! Perhaps a month by month recap of 2011 would make me feel for caught up, if that is even possible at thsi stage of the game. As it turns out, four kids is a lot.
January~ The great wait. I spent the whole month on my bed, thikning the baby was going to come at any moment.
February~ Coldest month in MT history, and the month we met our baby Mac!
March~ Another cold month. We had sleepless nights and countless snuggles via Mac! Wrestling tournament as a family to cheer on Wy-guy.
April~ I was crabby looking back on it, having a new baby was weighing on me. We had a fun Easter in Wyoming, but I was brabby then too.
May~ An awesome family vacation in Kuaui.
June~ It took a couple of weeks, but we settled into a fun summer routine.
July~ We had a summer fun and good family time.
August~ Swimming lessons! and a trip to Wyoming.
September~ Back to school and the routine of school days.
October~ Amy and I started walking! Football, and dance, and the Gala.
November~ Busy times! Mac growing and changing so fast.
December~ Feeling better about stuff. Nice Holiday season.

That is just the nitty gritty, of course.