Wednesday, June 30, 2010


We are in the full swing of summer round here. The kiddos are doing swimming lessons, MUMs made a trip out to Ryan Dam and the babes are driving me crazy with their complaints of boredom.
All three kiddos are doing really well with lessons. The girls seem to be enjoying it and even though the pool is COLD, they seem to be learning a fair amount. Wyeth is stuck between level two and three. He isn't really fitting in to either class. I am not sure what will come of it. It's important to me Wyeth doesn't get overwhelmed and not enjoy it anymore. The director seems like she wants to figure something out.
For the first time EVER, morning-sickness actually includes vomiting. I am blown away by the oddness of this experience. I feel pretty well one moment and then awful the next, followed by an immediate need to vomit. It's nuts. I was pretty sick with Ella, but it was more of a general misery and it only really lasted from 10-16 weeks. brain is reeling. What if this is an indication something is wrong with the baby? Or what if we have two babies? And if we have two babies? Please let them both be healthy. Evan if it's one baby, please let it be healthy. I go through this with every pregnancy, the "just let everything be OK" fretting. My friend Katie was sweet to point out that, at this point Mr. Workin' and I have proven that our DNA works well together, with our three healthy babies. Our ultra-sound is scheduled for the 14th, which can't come fast enough. :)
I need to post some pictures from our's just finding some time to download pictures.
Some other highlights (just facts really)...
~Fara has had a huge bruise on her forehead from three solid months!
~Wyeth is having huge issues with bedtime. He cries every night it isn't fair that he doesn't have someone to sleep with.
~Ella just finished up a short round of antibiotics for an infected hang-nail and now she is running a fever and complaining of a "hurt neck" which I would guess means sore throat.
~We are getting all set to remodel our bathroom and our bedroom. It will be awesome to have a normal bathroom!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Things seem to be cooking along. As far as symptoms go, I have started noticing super sensitive nose, not being able to think of anything that sounds good to eat, and then feeling soooo much better when I finally just eat.
I felt for poor Mr. Workin' on our vacation. I was completely narcoleptic in the car. As soon as the wheels started rolling I was out. Oh the joys of the first trimester.
My preferred OB is herself on maternity-leave. She had her fourth boy child last week. So, I haven't been in a huge hurry to visit the dr. knowing she is gone. But I called this morning, and as it turns out they want to do an ultrasound at eight weeks. And who turns down a chance to see the little peanut in living color?
So, our first appointment (in-take) is July 14th. :)
One of the coolest parts of the Body Worlds exhibit was the embryos. Wyeth and I looked at exactly how big the baby was at that moment. Wyeth is so excited with the pregnancy.
We have started referring to the baby as "Puzzle". Being that this baby will most likely be the final piece of the Hayes family puzzle to snap into place. Mr. Workin' came up with it. ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

State of World

People watching at Chuck E Cheese is frightening. For the most part it's just mass mounts of little kids pushing their way through a bunch of games that don't really make sense to anyone, hoping for the mother load of tickets.
We can all remember our elders' moaning about "kids these days" and such. But, really I am there. If I pushed someone down, and an adult confronted me at a place like Chuck E Cheese, I would probably would have burst into tears and gone to hide at our table. And I would NEVER want my parents to find out about it. Well, today a little guy, probably about seven year old, pushed his way to the front of the line and then told me he was there first when I confronted him. I asked him to step to the back of the line to wait his turn and then I looked up to see if an adult was catching any of this. He stomped his foot, pushed Ella out of his way and said, "that is NO FAIR" and then dashed off to his table. I was shocked. Wyeth was ready to throw down! I explained that all moms have different rules, and maybe he always gets to go first?!?! I don't know, I DO know that my kiddos need to take turns and wait in lines...period.
I don't want the kids to judge others for how they act, yet I totally wanted to make an example of the child's rudeness.
Why are children seemingly more out of control "these days"? Are they not getting enough positive attention? I don't even start to have the answers to these questions. But I know I don't want my children feeling like life is so unfair they must elbow their way to the front of all situations.
Also, on a sidebar...Mr. Workin' is always distressed for my lack of interest in video games. And we have gone to the mat several times on what is appropriate for limiting the kiddos on the gaming system in our house. I would go with never if possible, but Mr. Workin' says that will just get them beat up in high school. As I watched Wyeth's peers playing those video game at Chuck E Cheese, I was astounded by their gaming skills. Not enough to want Wyeth to play more games, but wow. It's pretty clear how these children are spending their free time.
All in all, I am so thankful that we cold make Wy's b-day special and that we could go to chuck E Cheese. But, I'm not gonna lie. I am also terribly thankful that we don't have one in GF.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I had so many things to tell you!

I am going to have to start keeping a little notebook in my purse like an old lady. During the day, I easily come up with three blog posts about life, parenting, and other crazy shit I think about. But when it comes time to put it down, I just draw a blank.
With that being said...
Experiencing Canada has been an interesting and thought provoking adventure for me. Frankly, for as open-minded and accepting as I consider myself, I am a little annoyed at how I miss really simple stuff. Like I never know what temperature it is. How dumb is that? I know we learned it the metric system in school. And the same with the distances and speed limits. There is something in my inability to figure it the freak out that makes me feel arrogant. And then there are the vast number of different languages I have heard. I can recognize them and know that for the most part I am hearing French and Eastern European, but when I join the conversation everyone switches to English. Granted, we are in an English speaking part of Canada, but still there is something about the situation that makes me feel arrogant, instead of humbled that my language was the one of choice.
I have loved sitting at the water park, in the kiddie pool with all the other mamas and kiddos. Parenting and it's issues are universal. We basically all have the same problems with the same phases at the same ages. And I had a mom tell me that the sign of a good mom is wondering if you are doing a good enough job to be a good mom. I sure hope so. As it turns out none of us find this little parenting adventure to be a cake-walk.
Seven days is too long for my little guys to be out on a vacation that doesn't involve family or serious down-time. They just get too tired and all the moving around makes it hard for them to settle in and sleep easily. They have been good little travelers, but the tiredness level has had a huge impact on how and what we do. I think a nice four day weekend is perfect. Lesson learned.

Some quotes...

Wyeth- "It's going to be my birthday in three days, I should get to choose the restaurant."
Me- "Wyeth, if you keep this you are going out do me in working your b-day."
Wyeth- "Nope, you can't out do a mom like you."

Ella- "If you don't let me ride in the stroller I will not be in this family anymore!" Drama much?

Fara- "No ocean! You are mean, bad, bad waves!!!!!" Not a fan of the wave pool.

Wyeth while studying the waterfall into the jaccuzi bathtub in our safari room. "I think that is suppose to be an elephant peeing in the water."

Wyeth realizing that he isn't going to get his way about something, "Well great, now I'm pissed!"

Monday, June 14, 2010


We are having an adventure among our neighbors to the north. We got out of town about at about 11am on Saturday, which was three hours later than Tom's wishes, but an hour earlier than I had estimated. And since the bulk of packing lands in my lap, I say...YAY me.
We crossed the boarder into Canada smoothly, but hit a snag in Lethbridge when we stopped for lunch. Mr. Workin' noticed a hissing sound, and it turned out to be a leak in a rear tire. So....after three hours at Canadian Tire, we were back on the road again.
The kiddos traveled well over-all. There was quite a bit of, "are we there yet?" and "how much longer" and my favorite, "why are we in the car?" It's difficult to motivate toddlers for a week-long vacation I guess.
We spent the first day at the zoo, and again, my expectations were a bit high for how much young children would enjoy the experience. We were there from 9am to 2pm and each child had a turn in tears. When I asked Wy which animals were his favorite, he listed two animals we had not seen. Really? I love the zoo. And I was happy. So, maybe the everyone is happy when mama's happy applied?
Last night we celebrated Ella's fourth b-day. However, that deserves it's own post. :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It's kinda funny to me (and probably a bit dumb) that I find my little blog to be more private than announcing something to all my friends/family. I don't have a huge following, but ANYONE could read it. So...with being said, I am going to tell you few readers and ask that you keep quiet in real life for a bit.
I AM PREGNANT!!!! Wahhhoooooo! I am excited. In my life there have been super happy moments and total panic moments when that second magic line starts to appear. I was TOTALLY caught off guard by Fara. Ella was only five months old and the reality of two babies was quite daunting. So, needless to say this pregnancy was totally planned and largely desired and so it feels wonderful.
Basically, I am only about 20 minutes preggers, and that's why I am wanting to keep the news on the dl for a bit.
As dates go I am due around the 10th of February. Since I know it will be a planned c-section, I am assuming it will come a tiny bit ahead of that. So, I am just five weeks ago. My symptoms don't usually kick-in until around the sixth week, so I am feeling great. I anticipate feeling great for the whole thing, but time will tell.