Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Changes for 2010

So...I am all about change. For the new year, I am looking to make a handful of big changes, by way of 10ish smaller ones. According to my adorable father, the best way to reach goals, is to commit them to paper (write them down). I think this counts.
*Stop assuming everyone is JUDGING me.* However, if you are here to judge, keep on moving, I don't want to hear it! I am workin' on changin' for a reason.
Here we go, here we go...
1~ Stop assuming everyone is JUDGING me. Did I already say that?
2~ No more calling Tom and asking him to bring home dinner.
3~ No cussing at people, EVER.
4~ Assume the best.
5~ Wash face and use a deep moisture cream several nights a week. (see that...realistic, there is no way I could do it every night.)
6~ If some thing's gotta give, it's computer time.
7~ Defer to Tom's opinion. Even if I don't agree.
8~ Cut a lot of sugar. Cancer loves sugar. Shit that is scary!
9~ React in kindness and with patience.
10~ Cherish the now and continue to "roll with it".

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We had a wonderful, blessed Christmas this year. The kiddos were in good humor and Mr. Workin' and I made it through with nary a snarl.
My parents were here Wednesday evening through Sunday morning. We all enjoyed each other, and I was sad to see them go.
Of course there were too many toys. I do wish I could somehow get ahold of the buying for them that goes on. It's my ego that keeps me buying. I suppose we should follow the advice of some sage mothers and just not give gifts from us. The grandparents more than make-up the difference. As the children get older we will do more to give of our time as a family to those less fortunate. Already this year there is a pile of gifts that I pulled aside after they were opened. I will quietly donate them and they will never be missed.
We continue to tweak our traditions every year that passes. Eating our Christmas eve dinner before mass worked out nicely, but it will be easier when napping is no longer a requirement for the kiddos.
I still don't have out Christmas cards out (by the New Year they will be). With all the modern conveniences of communication, I hate to see card giving go away. There is something nostalgic for me in the sending and receiving of holiday cards.
Our Christmas dinner was served later than I had intended, but it turned out well. I think it is important to keep our holiday meals as close to regular meal times for the sake of the little kids.

Tips for 2010
*No gifts big gifts from us.
*No cheese tray for Christmas eve dinner.
*Make the bread dough the day before Christmas eve.
*Just decorate cookies after mass.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Interesting Turn of Events

Wyeth has ALWAYS, you know all five years, been my easiest child to shop for. He is the oldest, he is the first to get to every stage and he's a typical boy so it's pretty straight forward. Ella is the second child, always willing to play with Wyeth's toys. I have a bigger issue with what to buy her in that I want to really focus on HER, not gender box her, or just buy her what I think a three year girl would want. And Fara...poor kid, she sometimes doesn't even get the same number of gifts. That will have to change this year. She will be onto us.
To my surprise this year, Ella has been the easiest to shop for. Her wants aren't great...she asked for a candy necklace and press-on nails. Done and done. But I also know her interests and she really does want all pink and pretty things.
Fara on the other hand...

I changed the name...

I didn't ditch the word motherhood, because I am checking out...I am a mother and it beings me an unlimited about of joy, but I think this blog is more about me on the whole. Or maybe I want it to be that way. So...welcome to my brain. That's where we are going from now on. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Giving

This is one of those topics I have have been mulling over in my head off and on for years. I want to impress upon my children that giving is better than receiving. There shouldn't be stress and panic about what to give. I am torn about Christmas lists even. It's nice to get people things they want...I guess. Hardly anyone we buy for needs a single thing, my children included. We are all so self- indulgent.
Then on the flip side there is instilling the graciousness it takes to accept ALL gifts given to you. Even if your aunt is horrible at assuming what you would find beautiful, she still needs to feel your gratitude. And even if you receive the book you want but it isn't a brand new copy, isn't the content the same?
There always comes a point during every year that I throw up my hands and say the Hayes are having a card printed up that says something along the lines of ....
We have donated $________ in your name to the __________ ( and then choose the organization that I feel like the person likes or would want to support). My friend, Colette is suggesting giving time and talent and I agree with that one as well.
Consumerism is an ugly beast. I am not sure how to navigate the line between loving all that is Christmas time gift giving for the sake of my babes, and wanting to show them a more realistic and responsible way to show what the word gifts truly encompasses.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nothing much...

Things are busy and each day seems to be filled to the brim with this and that, but I don't have a lot to report.
We enjoyed Thanksgiving in Whitefish, MT. The five of us, plus the elder Hayes of the north made the (longer than I estimated) journey to Glacier and then onto our rented condo on Whitefish lake.

It was perfect, there was enough room for all of us to spread out and relax. Margaret brought dinner for Wednesday evening and I brought dinner for Friday night. We both ended up bring enough food to feed the greater Whitefish community. We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Whitefish Lodge. The kiddos did well and the food was delicious.

This coming weekend Mr. Workin' and I are going to Portland from work and shopping. I plan to do the bulk of the shopping for Christmas while my guy is at his conference. Will be nice to shop alone. There is still a lot going on here at home with the kiddos so I have some major prep to do to get everything ready for grandpa and grandma to take over. Thank heavens we have them!

We finished swimming lessons during February and I am hoping to have Fara potty trained by then to add to the mix. Wyeth will move to the Level 1 Advanced class and Ella is doing well with staying another session in Level 1 Beginner. She isn't a fan of putting her face in the water. It's a pretty important step for advancement. Gymnastics is going well too. They all three love it.