I am not sure how you got to be five years old so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was feeling you kick inside my tummy. You continue to be one of the coolest people I have ever met.
I am a little nervous about you being five, dude. I can remember things my mom said when I was five. I have always chalked my "bad mama" moments up to the fact you probably won't remember them, but that is all changing now. I hope the things you remember me saying this year are about how proud I am of you. We have had some interesting talks lately. You told Ella that guys call there penises, nuts. And I felt compelled to set you straight. Daddy was surprised at how I explained things, but I think if you want to call your testicles, nuts, that is your deal. I just wanted you to have the facts. It is my hope, you trust me to tell you the facts, all of them. Even if they are funny and make us giggle.
You told me the other day, that it is time for us to get a baby in my tummy. It's amazing to me that you would want to risk getting another sister, but you said it's worth the risk. You also added that it would be super cool to get twin sisters. And to that son, I have to say, Mommy might have to go live in a padded room. I think siblings 13 months apart is plenty close enough.
I know how smart you are, but sometimes it just floors me. I think it is the man gene that makes you be able to remember the smalled details about a trip to Missoula three years ago, but not be able to find your shoes in middle of the floor in your room. Just as I am often sure that the man gene has ruined you, you show me how kind and loving you can be with your sisters when I am least expecting it.
We have had several conversations about "girlfriends" lately. You are convinced you are going to marry a girl named Jenna from your Pre-K class. She is a sweet little girl...precocious too. She told me when I was picking you up from VBS that you were going to fight for her hand and if you win you will be able to marry her. Oh little girl, it won't be my guy...it will be you fighting for my baby!
You start Kindergarten in a matter of weeks. I am not sure how to feel about it. It's so exciting to think of all the adventures you will meet in the years to come. But it feels like school is a slippery slope. First it's two days a week for pre-school and then POOF! I will be helping you rent a tux for prom, or apply to colleges. However, I know your world is going to explode when you learn to read; so so exciting. You have been "studying" (your word) all summer. Having you out of the house five days a week is going to crazy for me. I can't promise I won't cry a little. Mostly excited tears but there will be a few sad ones in there too.
Your fifth birthday was your first "kid-only" party. You fell backwards off a swing and knocked your wind out about 18 seconds into the party. I thought you were going to have to go to the ER, but you pulled it together after you and Daddy went away to have a "chat". You are tough. Way tougher than your daddy and I know.
You make me proud almost every day. You make being a mommy easy stuff and have taught me how to forgive. Life with you is unconditional love on a new level. I love you Wyeth.